M. Graham Artists' Gouache .5oz Viridian

SKU: SLS36195

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Status: Currently not in stock, but available to order. Lead times vary. Feel free to contact us at 1.800.735.3433 for an ETA.

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M. Graham gouache is made in the time-honored tradition of binding pigment with pure honey and gum arabic, just as it was for Dürer and Boucher. Providing superior coverage and a creamy application, M. Graham fine art gouache delivers lightfast colour designed for your permanent artwork. With no added chalk or white, you’re in control of creating the opacity you want—whether a soft, pearlescent glow or colours that pop with lively radiance.

With no added chalk or white, you’re in control of creating the opacity you want—whether a soft, pearlescent glow or colours that pop with lively radiance.
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